Publishing Bibles & Christian Literature to Communicate the Gospel

Publishing Bibles & Christian Literature to Communicate the Gospel

Life Publishers ... the Publisher of the FireBible

Around 1.45 billion people in the world don’t have a Bible in their first language. This number represents about 20% of the global population. Our goal is to print the FireBible in the top 100 languages of the world. This would resource 75% of the world’s population with a one-book biblical library in their very own heart language!

Donate to Life Publishers

Your donation helps us continue producing FireBibles and Christian Literature in Heart languages around the world. Thank you for your support!


Life Publishers produces Christian resources and FireBibles in numerous languages. Click on the link below to see everything available. 

About Us

Life Publishers is a global ministry of the Assemblies of God World Missions. Click on the button below to learn about our ministry.


Click on our FireBible logo anywhere in the map to see details about each language edition and help give to a project

FireBible for Kids

FireBible for Kids, the first ever study Bible with an emphasis on the Holy Spirit written for kids, is COMING SOON. This fantastic Bible draws kids into the Word, and teaches them ways to apply biblical truths for daily living.

2022 Was Fire!

So much happened this past year through the FireBible. Many lives were changed and impacted by what we are doing with your help!

We'd Love
to Stay Connected!
